FAQs by Category 

Installation Guide

FAQ No.:00123 
Category:Curtain Admin; Curtain Server Plug-in 

Question:How to set exceptions for shared folders?
Answer:If you want to allow some users to bypass Curtain Protection in folder-level, you can create another Share in Windows File Server and set Share Exception in Curtain Admin.

Steps to set the Share Exception:
1. New another share name for the share folder
For example: \ \Server\Protected is the Shared folder on the Server
- Set a new share name "backup" for "protected"
- Grant the permissions of "backup" to the users (who are allowed to access Protected folders without Curtain control)

2. Set the Share Exception in Curtain Admin
- In Curtain Admin, select "File -> Settings -> Share Exception -> Enable Share Exception"
- Click "Add -> Add Share Exception"
- Enter the new share name for exception
- Click OK to confirm

- Click Yes

3. After that, the specified users can access Protected folder through the new share name without Curtain control.