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FAQ No.:00161 
Category:Advanced Settings; Curtain Server Plug-in; Patch 

Question:Different versions of server plugin compatibility
Answer:In principle, the plug-in version should be the same as the client version, or higher than the client version.
For the current e-lokcer design, different versions of the client access server plug-in have several compatibility issues:

1. If 3266 and the below version of the client access 3267 and above the version of the plug-in, the protected network drive use exception, which protected the shared folder is normal, but cannot be set to use the protected folder under the sub-folder.

2. If 3267 and above versions of the client access 3266 and below the plug-in, it will not allowed, using a protected network drive failed.

3. All 3267 and above version of the client and plug-in can be cross-use, it will not cause the version incompatible problem, you can use a protected network drive.