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FAQ No.:00293 
Category:Curtain Client; User Interface 

Question:Curtain Client user interface introduction
Answer:Curtain Client user interface is divided into 7 main parts.

1. Title Bar : Which displays the application name and current user's policy group at the end of the title bar. (e.g., Default Policy)

2. Menu Bar : Which displays the few drop-down menus which provide access to such functions as opening protected applications, map network drive, set password, change display language, displaying help documentation or more settings etc.. For detailed information, please refer related FAQ introduction..

3. Tools bar : There are 7 common function groups shown as graphic buttons in there.
    • Parent folder : Back to the previous folder.
    • Refresh : Refresh to current folder to obtain update folders/files information.
    • Update Policy : Connect with Curtain Admin immediately to get the latest policy settings.
    • View to (Large Icons/Small Icons/List/Details/Extra Large Icons) : In the view section, select Large icons, Small icons, List, Details, or Extra large icons to change to the view you want to see.
        • Large icons : It displays larger icon sizes compared to other views.
        • Small icons : It displays few small icons of the files and folders with their partial names in a line.
        • List : It displays each small icons of the files and folders with their full names in line.
        • Details : Recommended and default view. It details all the files in an easy to read format and also displays the size, type, and date modified in columns.
        • Extra large icons : It displays largest icon sizes compared to other views.
    • Search : File Search function, Please refer to FAQ 00228.
    • Batch decryption : For a large number of encrypted files (*.curtain), you can use a batch decryption tool to decrypt them at once. Please refer to FAQ 00262.
    • Help : This is Curtain client user guide.
4. Address bar : The general function is similar to windows file explorer.
    • Back : Click this button that return to the last folder you accessed.
    • Forward : Click this button that go back to next folder you accessed.
    • Recent Locations : Click this button that go back to a previously working directory quickly without going through multiple directories along the way.
    • Full Path : It shows the full path of your current location and lets you go to a different location path by manually input in this bar.
    • Refresh : Click this button that refresh to current location to obtain update folders/files information.
5. Navigation left pane : You can view your computer's folder structure, including protected resources in this panel.

6. Navigation right pane : It shows you the files and folders in the current folder which you selected in the Navigation left pane. In addition, Curtain e-locker retains basic functions of right-click files/folder from windows file explorer, and adds some Curtain e-locker functions in right-click menu.

7. Status Bar : It displays information about a selected folder and its contents, such as the total number of items in the folder included total number of folders and files, the number of items selected.